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Social afternoon with Youth Centre – Burgas

Nearly 30 young people participated in the Social afternoon initiative of the International Youth Centre last Saturday.

We organized the event so that young people can meet in an informal environment , to talk and have fun with board games instead of spending time on electronic devices. One of the biggest challenges for young people as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is the return to social life after months of isolation. We see it as our mission to point out the importance of socialising and getting together. Hopefully this way we can support young people into feeling included, active and fulfilled.

During the Social afternoon we had much fun for nearly 5 hours but we also improved our intuition, imagination, associative thinking, fine motor skills and logic. This was thanks to the games we played: Mafia, Vampires, Dixit, Monopoly, Whisper Challenge, Chess, Djenga, and logic puzzles. Time passed incredibly fast, new friendships were formed and it became clear that there are many ways to spend our leisure time together and learn from each other. So we are determined to make this event a tradition of the Youth Centre’s community.

* Project No. BGLD-2.001-0002 “Establishment of International Youth Center – Burgas” is implemented under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” Program, funded by the 2014–2021 European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM).