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Celebrating the Roma New Year’s Eve – Bango Vasil

"Bahtalo Nevo Bresh!"

 With these words, filled with warmth and hope, we wished each other a happy and successful New Year at the Youth Center. The celebration of Bango Vasil, which we observed, is not only important to us but is also deeply rooted in the traditions of Romani culture, faith, and history. This year, the atmosphere was filled with emotions, music, songs, and dances, reminding us of the importance of preserving our traditions and passing on our rich heritage to the next generations.

On this day, nearly 100 young people gathered to celebrate this beautiful holiday, which not only connects them to the roots of the Romani community but also reminds them of the spirit of unity and solidarity. According to tradition, certain rituals must be performed during Bango Vasil to bring luck and prosperity. One such ritual is the breaking of the bread – a symbol of unity and togetherness within the community. Breaking the bread creates a tradition that strengthens our bonds and reminds us that together, we can overcome any obstacle. The bread is a gift from the earth and the labor of our ancestors, and each piece comes with a wish for health and well-being throughout the year.

Another important tradition involves the turkey, which must sit overnight before being cooked so that luck does not “escape” throughout the year. It is believed that following this tradition will bring good health, luck, and peace to the home. The symbolism of the turkey carries profound meaning, reminding us of the need to respect traditions and to pay attention to every detail in performing rituals to receive the blessings of our ancestors.

Who is Bango Vasil?

The story of Bango Vasil is surrounded by many legends that tell of the great deeds of this holy figure. One of the most widespread legends says there was a lame man who saved Romani children from drowning in a river. This man was named Vasil, and because of his physical disability – he was lame – the Roma began calling him “Bango Vasil,” which translates to “Vasil the Lame.” He became a symbol of salvation and protection for the Romani community. From that moment, Bango Vasil became a part of their daily lives, and the celebration was established as a holiday of Romani culture and faith.

On this day, in addition to observing the traditions, there is also a moment when the youth seek forgiveness from the older members of the community. This is a gesture of respect for the wisdom and experience of the elders, who are the guardians and transmitters of traditions. We believe that through this act of humility and respect, not only personal but also societal bonds are strengthened. Tradition teaches us that only by treating our ancestors with honor and respect can we expect good things in the future.

Colorful and vibrant, with big hearts, we continue to create and spread the light of love, understanding, and respect for traditions. We believe that every step we take together is a step toward a better future for ourselves and our children. We thank everyone who participated in this wonderful event and all those who keep the traditions alive that connect us. Let us carry the light of love and understanding in our hearts in the New Year and strive to create a world where every culture and tradition is valued and deserves respect.

Happy New Year to everyone, and may Bango Vasil bring us luck, health, and great joy!