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Not A Board Game Night

Last Saturday (25th of June) we played our team game on an event, called “Not a board game night”!

The event gathered students from four Burgas high schools: The music school “Pancho Vladigerov”, the German high school “Goethe”, The mathematical high school “Nikola Obreshkov” and the Innovative school.

The main goal of the game was to boost in the participants teamwork skills, creativity, strategic thinking and speed. The game had game elements from a treasure hunt and an escape room, there was also morse code decoding, and a climbing wall challenge.

The experience brought great emotions to everyone, who took part in the game. They laughed, asked each other questions, they listened, learned to follow, trusted each other, made mistakes, then laughed a little bit more!

It was a contested competition, but the best ones won in the end – team Power Puff Nerds won a Bowling voucher.

Have a look at the photos in the gallery, if you want to experience a little part of the game yourself!