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Regional visit of the Municipality of Kameno and Medieval Fortress Rusokastro

The second to last event from the Summer youth program 2022″ of Youth Centre-Burgas and “Preventions and Youth policies” department has passed. 

This time the happening was on the Midieval fortress of Rusokastro, Municipality of Kameno, and served as an information campaign of the  Youth International Centre of Burgas. We shared the centres’ mision, vision and goals with the young people of Kameno and Rusokastro and advised them how they can take part in future events.

We decided to combine the regional visit with a short history lecture and a Treasure hunt game of historical nature. We partnered up with the Municipality of Kameno, so the event turned out to be very popular and gathered more than 50 people. Young people from Burgas, Kameno and Rusokastro took part in the game, and had the opportunity to get to know each other. In the treasutre hunt, the youngsters trained their teamwork skills, learned more about the cultural heritage of Rusokastro, and saw first hand the remains of the military quarters, the water reservoir and the fortress’ watch tower.

Много емоции предизвика стрелбата с лък, в която младежите се включиха след кратък инструктаж, проведен от Милена Стоянова – специалист Туризъм и информация към Община Камено.

The archery tournament got all participants very excited – they all could try to shoot with a bow and arrow after the safety instructions lead by Milena Stoyanova – Tourism and Information specialist in the Municipality of Kameno.

We had special guests join the event as well – participants from LARP Society Burgas came dressed in Midieval clothing and hand-made toy weapons. Thanks to them, the youngsters tried first-hand what it is to fight in a duel, they learned a few techniques to defeat an opponent, and had the opportunity to take part in an improvised role-playing game.

The visit would have not been possible if it wasn’t for the help of our partners: Preventions and Youth policies” department of Municipality Burgas, Municipality Kameno, MKBPPMN-Kameno and the LARP Society Burgas . Thank you all!