International Youth Centre-Burgas took part in the build-up module of the Training for Youth Workers, organized by Centrе for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Minorities to the Ministry of Education and Science, with the partnership of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Together with the rest of the National Network of Youth Centrеs, we went through training modules on various topics, useful to the work of the youth worker. Here are the key topics we covered: discrimination, misinformation in social media, work with vulnerable groups, regional youth policies, leadership, conflict resolution, non-verbal and verbal communication, creation and implementation of youth trainings.
The training sessions were presented through lectures, informal activities and discussions. The trainers are professionals in different directions, among them were: Diyan Dankov (lawyer), Alexandra Raykova (member of the Council of Europe), Prof. Monika Bogdanova, Assoc. Prof. Silvia Varbanova, Ch. assistant Konstantin Teodosiev, Ph.D. Tsvetelina Radenkova and Prof. Silvia Nikolaeva (teachers at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”).
The build-up module of the training allowed us to go deeper into topics discussed at the last training (in June, earlier this year) and gave all centrеs the space to exchange good practices from the past months.
Take a look at the photos in the Gallery, to see the emotion, as well as some of the activities we did throughout the past training days.
We express our gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science for organizing the training, the Centrе for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Minorities, all the trainers from SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, as well as to the Youth Centrе of Plovdiv for the hospitality and material base.
* Project No. BGLD-2.001-0002 “Establishment of International Youth Centre – Burgas”, implemented under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” Program, funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) 2014–2021